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Oops I wrote it again!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


i saw hurley this morning. i was eating puree for breakfast at office cafeteria when i saw that big frame with long curly hair at the cashier.

err.. you know hurley right? that big guy in that got stranded in the island in lost after winning the lottery.

ok actually he's one of our office HQ visitor from the states. but i swear it was hurley i had to look around to make sure i was not in some mental institution with libby beside me.

when i updated my facebook status with this, my colleague had to blow my cover when he commented, OMG, you mean that HQ visitor??

oops! how obvious you have to be?

this is exactly why you must be careful when writing work stuff in facebook. this hurley guy is gonna give training at end of the week and if i'm not careful, he'll do a john locke and consume me in that black smoke before i could say hugo.



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