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food not-so delicious

Thursday, July 30, 2009

i skipped dinner again.. nak kata tak lapar.. lapar gak. tapi kan.. bosan ler.. tak tau nak makan apa.. nak keluar malass... lagipon malam bukan buat apa2 aktiviti physical pon.. today laa.. dok melangut main facebook jer hahaha...

sometimes i do go to the gym. i hate the gym at my place because prime time macam nie, malam2 kol 8-9pm selalu jek penuh. apa kes? dari budak sampai pakcik makcik bergiat dalam tuh.. aku kengkadang datang dengan sport shoes dan singlet, pasrah jek.. terpinggir.

or monday when i have my weekly tennis session. i love this, the feel when u're on the court, ready to take whatever shit that is coming your way. this is the only time when i drink tons of water. if you should know me, i'm operating in low-water mode. sehari kengkadang 3-4 glass jek aku minum. tu pon 3 glasses coffee.

anyway, tonight i'm staying put. my motto is, no movement, no food. senang.. macam kereta laa kan.. ko letak terparuk kat garaj, takyah laa isi minyak. overkill. lain laa kalau ada orang hidang ke, orang suap ke.. aku still balun. nak suruh aku carik sendiri ke, masak ke.. sorry.

unless of course, i'm already outside..

rasa nak makan dinasour..
