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counting hours at KL-LCCT

Thursday, January 29, 2009

aku kat KL LCCT nih, waiting for my flight to singapore (wah seems lately asal aku tulis blog, mesti kat airport haha.. very the mobile gituh). it will be another 2 hours before departure. it's my first time here, tu yang punyer kiasu datang awal. yelah KL ni unpredictable. mana tau LRT breakdown, or traffic jam, or jalan banjir kilat, or bas sesatt...

but everything was smooth until now. in fact, i think LCCT nie not bad at all. very convenient and not too shoddy. comparable if not better than bangkok suvarnabumi yg waiting room seats dia ala2 puduraya punyer seat. service ermm.. not too bad. even kakak2 kat kedai coklat dok mengumpat time aku lalu pon aku tak kisah sangat, at least sempat aku pasang telinga.

few days in KL rasa macam lama jek. enjoyed sangat main with my cute nephews, and then tengok tennis Australian Open with my whole family. very fortunate laa, my whole family are into tennis, even though my dad tak suker nadal dan aku ngan my sis suker giler. at least all of us tak suker serena williams dan kalau boleh nak buat voodoo doll biar dia kalah.

and we all sempat brainstorm kat mana nak arrange this year's family trip outing. last year KK trip was very succesful until we all tak sabar nak buat trip lagi. our requirements :-

1) tempat tak penah pergi.
2) go with flight, not too near dan murah.
3) top notch hotel (halal) breakfast, sedap dan byk pilihan
4) ada tempat shopping (for my mum)
5) maybe beaches to snorkel (for me and my siblings)

so yg memenuhi kriteria2 tuh, are those are east malaysia borneo cities, bcoz my mum kata indonesia ada bird flu (ye ke?). nephew2 aku tu pulak sumer kecik2 lagi, so maybe borneo is more suitable. lagipon takde tsunami, or errupting volcano.

so in the end, we kinda chose pulau labuan. none of us, or those that we know been to labuan before. yg dengar dari kawan, family member sumer kata boring. ermm.. ok lah.. we all jenis yg sukar bermalas2an, takde laa nak explore city tu sangat pegi night club or bermesra2 ngan local ppl. it's a gamble really. as long as we have each other, dan ada nice food, dan maybe a day trip to brunei pon dah ok.

(look at watch) ok it's one more hour to go. sekejap jek dah sejam. aku dari tadi pulak terlekat kat kerusi nih godeh2 facebook (see.. even KL LCCT ada free internet. not bad at all). one of my junior masa zaman sekolah dulu online, so we all chat this and that. it's very cool really.. i'm very thankful for facebook, byk jumpa kenalan2 lama.

isk byk pulak announcement kat airport nih.. bising. panggil orang yg tak reti2 nak boarding biler dah sampai masa. hello, susah sangat ke nak standby depan pintu kapal terbang? tengok macam aku, 2 jam lepas dah sampai.. ek?? kalau ada award penumpang misali, dah lama aku dapat.

ok i got to go now, cafe espresso kat sebelah tu nampak very inviting.. battery laptop pon tinggal seconet jek. so later...


terminal man

Monday, January 26, 2009

aku kat changi airport nih.. nak balik KL. waa ramai orang ok.. mostly foreign workers kat airport nih.. nak balik negara masing2 kot.. aku rasa macam kat dhaka airport laa pulak.. haha..

aku lupa nak print out sky bus ticket air asia yg aku dah bayar kat internet.. sky bus nie transport from KL LCCT ke KL Central. terus aku tanya airport information counter, ada tempat print out tak.. sebab aku nak print ticket sky bus airasia yg aku dah beli ikut internet.

wah! ada! bayar 50 cents untuk sekeping.. ok lah.. thank god! kalau tak, kena aku beli ticket lain. impressed aku kejap. yelah.. airport lain free internet pon tak ada hehe...

cuma aku breakfast kat toast box airport nih.. cashier dan pekerja2 situ cakap english ntah hapa2.. saitei lah.. tak paham.. macam org pekak aku tanya, hah? hah? org tanah besar. agaknya yg local sumer cuti, tinggal foreign workers jek keje time raya2 nih. spoil jek.

the rest.. hmm now tunggu boarding time jek.. harap2 flight tak delay.

cya in KL!


faizal tahir vs ziana zain

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

faizal tahir - bila sampai syurga (AJL 2009)

dah berpuluh2 kali rasanya aku tgk video nie.. hehehe.. overr tak? time dia tarik suara tinggi tu, aku dapat goosebumps.. meremang bulu roma ok... biar sampai syurgaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....


ziana zain - dingin (AJL 2009)

yg nie pon banyak kali aku tengok, sampai boleh bilang laa berapa helai bumapal ziana zain.. err.. bumapal tu singkatan untuk bulu mata palsu ok.. time ziana tarik tu pon aku tepuk tangan sorang2 kat rumah ahahaha.. nasib baik takde orang nampak.

aaaaaaaaanddd the winner? faizal tahir.

faizal dapat best vocal dan best performance. tu laa lain kali tak payah laa pakai bumapal kan, lepas basuh muka terus jek nyanyi atas pentas pon boleh menang. tak payah pon bukak2 baju cat dada sumer.

lagu satu, lirik ziana zain, 'ku tak bisa.. juarai...'.. hah.. terus langsung tak menang. bad luck laa.. dulu asal ziana nak memang jek, ada siti.. now ada faizal tahir. hmmm...

ok laa nak layan 'sampai di syurga' one more time....


welcome to the world, lisa

Monday, January 19, 2009

last saturday we all pegi melawat aishah kat JB. aishah ni is our friend, baru lepas bersalin last tuesday. citernyer, the birth kena buat c-sec sebab bayi tu songsang. bukan songsang atas bawah, ni jenis kepala dan kaki kat kiri kanan perut. bolleyy?? ntah apa si aishah buat sampai bayi tu terpusing 270 darjah...

hmmm aku sebenarnya still tak sangka aishah yg dulu pakai cheongsam pegi kelab malam kat madagascar tuh, dah pon jadi ibu. hmm time flies huh..

me and all the participants, including yg imported dari bangkok.. upss.. surabaya tau!

nak tau sebelum we all datang visit, siap singgah plaza angsana nak beli hadiah, sampai berlawan2 hadiah saper paling mahal ahahaha.. tapi sorry.. ringgit malaysia mana lawan hadiah singapore dollar kan hehehehe...

ni anak dia. sebijik rupa bapak dia ok.. sepanjang we all kat situ asyik tido jer.. aku belai2 pipi dia, time org tak nampak aku nak ajer aku picit sikit biar menangis so boleh tengok mata dia tapi still tak jaga2 gak laa .. isk..

nama dia hairunnis@ tapi panggil lisa. elok laa tuh.. nanti jadi pandai ala2 lisa simpson.

welcome to the world, lisa!
.. from abang adie.. NOT uncle adie ok.


Adie's take on AJL 2009

Bukan Di Sini (Sofaz)
first, apa kejadah nama sofaz?? bahasa arab ker? aku nie first time dengar sumer lagu2 juara lagu nie. lagu sofaz nie.. errmm ok laa.. ada irama tertentu.. tapi suara tak keluar laa. overall persembahan biasa jer..

Lagu Kita (Aizat)
wah.. dia ni buat lagu, buat lirik dan nyanyi sendri..siap main gitar pulak tuh. masa mula2 nyanyi tuh aku dengar dia gementar.. agaknya first time atas pentas besar kot.. tapi lepas tu suara best jugak. crisp clear suara aizat nih, cuma tak flexible note2 dia, takde goreng-goreng sangat orang kata.. kalau ada chorus ulang 10 kali, 10 kali laa dia nyanyi macam tuh.. tapi kan.. aku still suker laa aizat nie.. berbakat.. dan not bad this ballad. boleh menang ke? maybe...

Dusta Berkalang (Aiman)
errm apa tema kostum aiman dan penari2 dia nih? nak kata arab.. macam raja majapahit pon ada. yg pasti pada aku, over acting. err terus aku turned-off, tak berminat nak follow up everything yg berlaku atas pentas.. lagu dia pon.. forgettable.

Cuba (Faizal Tahir)
ok ni first time laa aku nak dengar lagu faizal tahir nih.. glamer aku dengar dia nih. 2 lagu dia masuk AJL. aku ni sekali imbas, tak suka tengok rambut faizal nih.. gatal jek tangan aku nak carik gunting. dan lekuk kat dagu tu original ker?? lagu Cuba nie boleh tahan, tinggi nada dia.. suara faizal nie impressive. tapi aku tak laa terkinja2. lagipon persembahan dia nampak plastik pon ada.. nampak arrogant. aku prefer lagi aizat tadi.

Hanya Di Mercu (Ayu)
eh aku pernah dengar lagu nih. last year masa pegi kota kinabalu, dalam teksi on the way to kota belud, lagu nie keluar dalam radio. dolly tanya aku, eh sedap.. siapa nyanyi nih? aku kata, ntah.. tapi dari sebutan dia, macam indon.. lagu indon nih.. terus pemandu teksi tu betulkan, eh ini ayu, dia ni pemenang one in a million (aku still tak tau amende program one in a million nih?).. orang SABAH!! laaa.. hehhe.. padan laa pemandu teksi tu marah. tapi kan.. betul, macam oprah winfrey laa Ayu nih. suara dia best! very soulful. aku ingat dia nie mesti practise tengok video misha omar nyanyi lagu bunga2 cinta. cuma ayu nie pon tak pandai goreng2 suara laa.. kalau teran2 sikit suara tu mesti lagi best. dan next time, buang laa penari2 belakang tuh. menyemak.. terkinja2 sangat. mengganggu fokus. (mental note: harus aku check out album ayu nih).

Doa Dalam Lagu (Zahid & Heliza)
patutnya mawi nyanyi tapi dia sibuk honeymoon kot. terus zahid ganti. aku pon terus tak berminat. kalau penyanyi asal tak berminat nak attend, aku pon tak berminat laa nak dengar. lagu dia pon tak menarik perhatian.

Persoalan Cinta (Farawahida)
masa masuk pentas, aku nampak pempuan2 bersanggul pegang kipas. eh nice mixed up malay dan chinese theme. patut laa, lagu nie ada elemen2 muzik cina. aku tengok farawahida, macam janet jackson. rambut dan make up dia laa.. rambut palsu dan bedak tebal seinci. suara farawahida key tinggi tapi biasa jer.. pentas sibuk dengan kibaran2 kipas cina. chinese new year comes early! overall ok jek persembahan dia. bosan pon ada.

Sampai Syurga (Faizal Tahir)
satu lagi lagu faizal tahir. aku rasa dia nie mesti sibuk.. nyanyi dua lagu laa katakan. tak sempat nak bersiap so atas pentas sambil nyanyi tu orang tukar baju dia, dan set rambut dia. very efficient! tapi.. best nyanyian dia!! very very high note faizal nie tarik. aku pon siap teruja. yg aku musykil, kenapa tiba2 tengah lagu tu dia lari belakang pentas basuh muka? nak kata kena tempias penyanyi2 latar, takde pulak.. kalau faizal tahir tak menang vokal terbaik aku tak tau laa.. dan lagu nie memang best!

Bila Naik Saksi (Spider)
biasanyer persembahan. mmacam satu segment dalam hiburan minggu ini kat rtm jek. boring.

Dingin (Ziana Zain)
aku excited tunggu ziana nyanyi. dia ni jer penyanyi veteran dan kita semua kan suker dengar ziana jerit2 atas pentas sambil buat acrobatic kening.. dan.. dan.. apparently pernantian aku tu very the worth it bcoz... BEST persembahan kak ziana! waaaaahhhhh very tinggi dia tarik. siap goreng sana goreng sini.. this is how it should be done, girls.. now aku rasa ziana patut menang the best vocal. ok antara ziana dan faizal tahir. yg lain tak payah laa mimpi2..

Lagu Untukmu (Meet Uncle Hussien)
hah? meet uncle hussein? hahah aku suker make up clown separuh muka tuh. so penyanyi dia ala2 cebek bila menyanyi heheh.. nada suara dari A sampai Z tinggi. so bila dah tinggi tuh, aku tak dapat grab rentak lagu nih..

Yang Pernah (Estranged)
alamak, tak trendy langsung rupa penyanyi estranged nih.. macam baru keluar time machine dari zaman 70-an jek.. rambut gerbang. lagu pon forgettable. band nie ker yg memang juara lagu tahun lepas?? macam tak logic jek.

Aku Stacy (Stacy)
sekali imbas.. eh miley cyrus? sampai aku ingat aku terbukak disney channel, tapi rupa2nya betul laa stacy nih. tapi waaaahhh impressive dia nie menari sambil menyanyi.. tak mengah sangat pulak tuh. fauziah latiff mesti makan hati. sampai aku pon rasa nak berdiri sama.. very entertaining. tapi kalau dah tajuk lagu dia 'aku stacy', tak logic laa menang lagu terbaik kan.. ada pulak faizal tahir. dapat kemenangan moral jek laa dik ek??

Kalis Rindu (Elyana)
macam japanese paper doll punya theme. err.. mengarut laa.. suara pon tak keluar.. dan tak padan laa, aku nampak macam mak budak pakai baju cute.. lagu pon aku tak perasan sangat macam mana.. next.. upss.. dah abis ke??

so pada aku laa..

persembahan terbaik : faizal tahir (sampai syurga)
vokal terbaik : ziana zain (dingin)
juara lagu : faizal tahir (sampai syurga)


if today was your first day

Monday, January 5, 2009
imported from ~unsent

it's a new day at work today.

a new day because it's the first day at work after new year, and also the first day at work after i cancelled my USA transfer.

and i must say, things went not too bad, you know, except the fact that everyone who saw me today reacted as if watching george bush in white house after obama's inauguration. i felt like i've explained about the transfer a million times, i almost wished i had a t-shirt on that says 'yeah i'm back for good' at the front and "for more information, dial toll free number 1800-GET-A-LIFE" at the back.

ok maybe i should cut them some slack. they were just concerned surely, even though the things that most of them concerned for were my house and car (ok i didn't sell my car yet so i still have my car but i did signed the rental agreement for my house with i had to break with 2 full-months compensation. it was a big bummer with a capital B').

except this colleague whom i worked with a lot last year. she was very good in solving technical issues and i had a weird feeling that she could solve me too. she said, knowing me, she could understand my decision. previously, rather than asking whether i've sold my car or rented my house before the trip like everybody else, she asked me whether i was ready to go 'at heart'.

which i so thought i did, but apparently her concern was spot on. she also said she would have guessed i would prefer to pay big money to keep my house rather than thinking about saving money, which was spot on part 2. you see, i have a feeling i could learn so much about myself from this girl. maybe i should, you know, learn from her. just like yoda.

first, i have to learn and find out what to do now at work since someone has already replaced me. so i had a personal, intimate discussion with my boss the first thing in the morning. to my surprise,he said one of our group member has just quitted and me coming back is just the right timing so that i could take over his job.

you see, this is so meant to be.

in fact, come to think about it, all the signs around me were as if saying something about the transfer. like for instance, during my way back from office just now, n-sync sang in the radio, "..bye bye bye bye bye", just like i byebye-ed the transfer. then britney followed, "oops i did it again..", just like i did the big oops about not taking the transfer. spooky right? even tony braxton claimed, "...he wasn't man enough for me".. ermm.. ok maybe this one is not related.

since the colleague who quitted wasn't ready to do the pass-down since it's monday, i ended up with nothing to do the whole day. so i changed back my correspondence address for my great eastern policies and starhub accounts to my current (old) address. then i called IRAS so they would adjust back my property tax to enjoy owner-stay rebate. i even browsed through qantas website to find ticket to australia.

it was actually during lunchtime when my colleague brought to my attention that we would have 12 days off during the chinese new year break plus our plant slowdown. 12 days! that's almost twice the time that God made the earth, right? i wasn't ready to just let those days go by just converting oxygen to carbon dioxide on my bed, so i figured i could probably go melbourne and watch australian open tennis.

except, after calling the ticketing agents and worked out all the possible expenses, i found out it could totalled up to more than SGD2000.

the thing is, i used quite a lot of money recently. first, i told you about the compensation i had to pay to break my house rental agreement. that was about >SGD4000. then, i would have to pay the company for my pre-transfer trip to USA since i cancelled the transfer, inclusive of the actual transfer plane tickets that they could not cancel, which should summed up to be about SGD7000.

so you see, i'm nowhere in the ability to spend further big money in near future. in fact, it would be some time before i'm able to purchase any island again. that australian trip i could still afford to pay though, but that would not be so appropriate surely? this kind of harsh decision needs some retributions.

plus, i'm sure my Yoda-girl would not approve of it. or would she? she was the one who said i would not jeoperdize my lifestyle just to save money. o gosh.. maybe i should think harder and search the force to find the answer. yeah, i would do that at work tomorrow, you know, on top of converting oxygen to carbon monoxide.
