last month pagi2 time aku drive gi keje along the PIE, tengah lalok2 drive (drive kat singapore ni very stress free, jalan tersusun, tak jam, boleh berangan laa gituw while on the road), bila lalu Eunos, tiba2 aku passed satu gantry...
aku siap toleh belakang okee nak menyiasat gerangan apakah yg tiba2 jer dah tersergam merentasi highway dekat Eunos exit tuh.
hah terpampang sebesar2 alam.
ERP stands for Electronic Road Pricing. it's singapore punya sistem tol laa, instead of pakai orang macam kat malaysia dan kereta kena berenti dekat tol plaza, kat singapore just guna sensor kat ERP gantry nih. kereta lalu jer, dia akan deduct amount dari kereta punya ICU (in car units) yg kita letak kita punya cash card kat dalam. selalu ERP ni cuma beroperasi waktu2 tertentu jek, macam time peak hours. bukan cam malaysia laa kan, ko lalu kol 2 pagi pon nak collect duit.
elok2 time breakfast kat opis aku belek2 paper, hah sah, 'New ERP grantry in PIE near Eunos Link exit operates from Nov 3'. Mahal pulak tuh ngkau! kalau time aku gi keje pagi2 kena $1, kalau lambat (eeekk!!) $2. terbang macam tu jek duit hasil penat lelah titik peluh aku...
aku punya perasaan? macam Hitler dalam clip youtube nih..
malaysia to ban yoga??
this is beyond ridiculuous. i mean, kalau kita chanting mantra2 hindu time stretching tuh maybe laa akan rosakkan akidah. but just by doing strech poses akan menyebabkan.. apa nama.. deviation of our beliefs?
i mean, how fragile is our belief until benda2 macam ni pon kita takut buat kita terpesong??
Malaysia to impose fatwa on yoga
Yoga is becoming very popular in recent times and its followers are increasing all over the world. The soaring popularity of yoga could be gauged by the skyrocketing sales of yoga books, classes and equipment all over the world.
Yoga is a traditional exercise devised by the sagea and hermits of Hindu religion but now it is spread across all religion with big followers in Islam and Christanity.
Fearing the growing popularity of yoga the National Fatwa Council of Malaysia has decided to ban yoga exercise soon. They feel that Muslims who have taken up yoga to stop practising it for fear that it could deviate their belief.
Yoga may soon be outlawed in Malaysia, if a prominent body of clerics which is planning to issue a fatwa on the practice, has its way.
Malaysia's National Fatwa Council is going to impose Fatwa on Yoga after Zakaria Stapa, a lecturer of University of Kebangsaan's Islamic Studies Centre, yesterday advised Muslims who have taken up yoga to stop practising it fearing that it could deviate their belief, local news reports said.
"A ruling would be made by the council's Chairman, Abdul Shukor Husin, in this regard," Deputy Director-General of the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia, Othman Mustapha, quoted as saying by New Straits Times online edition.
like a virgin-ia
meh sini cikgu nak ajar geography pasal where is virginia in USA. if everything goes well, base will be at m@nassas city (the star in map below). kalau nak senang ingat, ingat 'man asses' hahahaha... uppss!!

... adie
calling calling KL
ari ni aku pakai baju t-shirt merah nike dengan tulisan sebesar2 alam kat depan
'just do it'
semalam aku baru call KL rumah parents aku. as usual, adik aku angkat so aku suruh panggil bapak aku. selalunya kalau aku call untuk chatting, aku selalu cakap ngan mak aku sebab for some reason, it's more comfortable. kalau ngan bapak tu, ala2 tak tau nak converse gituh.
so malam tadi bila aku panggil bapak aku nak cakap kat tepon, dia sure tahu yg aku ada news nak bagitau.
bila aku cakap jek aku akan transfer ke US, dia punya first reaction..
'alhamdullilah. ingatkan tadi kena retrenched..'
bolley?? aku terkesima okee...
agaknya sebab last week bila dia call aku dari kota tinggi, aku kata ekonomi teruk kat singapore, even ada our branch yg lay off people etc etc.
anyway, most important thing is, aku dengar they all macam ok jer. which is a relief. yelah, buatnya tak dapat restu, tak pasal2 nanti aku sampai US kena sumpah jadi batu, tersergam pulak sebelah lady liberty.
plus, i cannot take it lah orang sedih2 nie, nanti aku pon sedih. cakap2 pasal farewell party pon sedih okee.. after all, these are all part of my life, macam nak tinggal part of my heart here gituh when i go.
seperti aku selalu kata, aku terpaksa merantau demi mencarik sesuap nasik....
wish me luck guys!
suatu petang di angsana ~reunion
waa susahnyer nak carik masa nak update. aku rasa macam barrack obama pulak, sibuk takde masa. except instead of berkempen, aku sibuk dengan my sports routine, and ta-daaah - reunion versi johor.
ok bukan versi johor ok. aku banyak kali nak betulkan. aku dari singapore apa? so should be reunion versi selatan.
or as dolly says, dousoukai versi selatan.
apa2 pun reunion is reunion. jumpa orang yg dah lama tak jumpa. biasanya sebelum jumpa tu kita akan melawa2 sikit. kalau sikat rambut tu biasa 5 minit, this time 10 minit. haa.. nak impresskan orang. ntah kenapa aku pon tak tau ok jangan tanya. lepas tu time jalan nak masuk restoran tu akan debar2 sikit, macam nak jumpa mak mertua for the first time.
biler dah jumpa pulak, nanti komen kau akan di antara dua nih
1) eh ko tak berubah laa. sama macam dulu
2) waa subur nampak...
kalau ikut statistic, option nombor (2) lebih banyak laa digunapakai. at least for our reunioin last saturday kat pizza hut plaza angsana johor bahru.
kalau ikut kata dolly, pempuan2 kat malaysia ni sumer ada mission. membesarkan dan menuakan suami agar suami2 tu takde can laa kan nak ngorat pempuan lain. betul gak ok. cuba tengok jer my friends yg dah kawin. semua melebar horizontally eventhough tak semua nampak tua laa. cuba maintain macam datuk k, sure dapat siti nurhaliza (even though dalam kes datuk k nie, datuk k yg on a mission melebarkan siti).
physical appearance aside, seronok gak dengar what each one of us has achived since the last time we met. ada tu 12 tahun tak jumpa. waaah kalau budak baru lahir tu, sampai habis sekolah rendah masuk sekolah menengah ok.
biasa kalau dengar tu, kita dengar yg bagus2 jer, aku tak tau orang lain kan, tapi aku jeless. ada yg dah ada pharmacy sendiri, ada yg dah join company itu ini, start business bagaii.. wah succesful ok aku rasa macam nak hantar polong jek. even though of course laa aku tak buat benda2 tuh, just expression ok.
couldn't help to compare laa. dulu kita sumer blaja sama2, mula2 kenal huruf sama2 (huruf2 jepun laa), kiranya macam kita berada di garisan permulaan pada masa yg sama. so reunioin ni secara tak langsung akan beri ko peluang tengok ko ada kat mana, berbanding ngan kawan2 ko yg lain.
aku? hmm nothing much to say for the last 8 years working. aku punya line, something like, after graduate, join this company polan si polan, until now. full stop. mana ada business ker, jaga alam sekitar ke. takde. so rasa macam boring jek, kalau life orang lain boleh buat movie, aku punya setakat iklan. macam iklan adibah noor, cuma aku tak mampu mengubahnyer...
until yesterday lah.. hehehehe
overall, good reunion and hopefully boleh jumpa again. and i really mean it.

let's touch base
yesterday i got this mail from the company HR which goes...
'let's touch base. i got important news to tell you.'
full stop.
can you believe it? i scanned the bottom of that sentence like 20 times hoping to find some hidden messages or secret codes that could tell me more but none.
as i stared at the blank screen, i even hoped this was like that mail which had a ghost or something suddenly cropped out from the static picture as you were staring to freak you out but nada.
what news????
some people are just plain vain. this HR guy is just like those tv series writers that always like to have someone opening up the door expecting the killer inside the room, saying 'oh it's you!' without showing the killer face and then abruptly ended the scene with 'to be continued'...
except this one, i couldn't download the sequence off the net or read the next episode spoilers from wikipedia.
fortunately, my ex-colleague who was transfered to the branch where i'm applying for few years back spoiled it for me. he sent me mail which goes...
'congratulations! i heard you got the transfer'.
see? plain and simple and nobody died from this short statement. nobody i know anyway, but oh my god oh my god oh my god my god...
apparently i am. later that night at about 10.30pm i got a call from the new HR and i had to play surprise. ok this is so confirmed.
wow i was so ecstatic. i felt surreal, like my spirit just jumped out of my body saying banzaiiii and then came back in a second.
this is so classic example of how things turn out when you least expect it. this is like when you thought the causeway would have heavy traffics but ended up with a smooth ride, or the time when you thought nothing worth checking out the cheap sale but ended up buying lots of ripped-off discounts.
i mean, when i got a mail saying this another branch was laying off people, i kinda put my hope off. after all, when everything went mute after you asked about the result, in normal world that was never a good sign.
but i guess, good things do come for boys who wait.
at least i hope it would be good. mind you it was not easy making this decision. this is not like deciding what movie to watch for a night out, or whether my car would be white or black. this is like jumping off the ship and hope there is no shark in the water.
and i have not even told my parents yet. i told my friend this just now and she said, what a fillial son you are. i know she meant to be sarcastic, but if this sudden move could cause heart-attack, then maybe i am being fillial.
i'm just afraid how things could turn out, like people would get sad and stuff. i just like the way things are, at least for the next 2 months or so before i make my move. i felt just like becky bloomwood when she was having secrets about her 2 weddings from her parents, and look at how did that turn out.
ok maybe i should give my father a call. or maybe an e-mail saying...
'let's touch base. i got important news to tell you.'
4 minutes to save the work
aku baru sampai rumah nie.. sampai malam gigih berkerja mencarik rezeki. though.. pikir2, mana ada aku carik rezeki? rezeki tu dah kompem datang akhir bulan, aku cuma buat kerja supaya rezeki tu tak berhenti immaturely jek..
macam kengkawan aku yg dari out-branch company yg layoff 95% workforce tuh. they all now memang tengah carik rezeki, tengah carik keje. tapi kan, nak tau they all dapat layoff benefit 3 bulan gaji, plus one month extra for every year they all keje kat company aku tau. so maknanya kalau dah keje 4 tahun, maka dapat laa duit bedebuk 7 bulan gaji.
wahh jeless okey.... time one of our friend jumpa they all yg kena layoff nie tadi, siap kata, eh i heard your news, congratulations!
aku ari ni at work, bz bz bz.. nak tau apa aku buat? sepanjang ari kat lab buat X-ray. isk.. sampai ari ni patut ada appointment ngan condo management nak inspect leakage kat rumah aku pon aku kansel. hajat di hati tu kengkononnyer nak balik cepat kol 4.30pm.. haa ambik kau, pukul 8pm aku sampai rumah.
bapak aku call lunch tadi, nak tanya apa nak buat pasal komputer rumah yg kena sambar petir tu. aku time tu tengah on the way ke plaza singapura celebrate a friend's birthday, tak sempat aku nak call dia balik.
even e-mail pasal plan ujung minggu ni pon tak tulis lagi. huh.. actually apa plan aku pon masih blur2. mula2 aku ingat nak buat makan2 kat rumah ari ahad, sajer jer suka2 tawar nak menyusahkan diri. aku ingat nak masak nasik beriyani hiks! tapi kan.. ada reunion laa pulak sabtu tghari kat jb, lepas tu they all nak terus lepak2 jb malam tuh.. maka kesahnyer, sessi makan2 kat rumah aku ari ahad tengahari tu nampak macam tak kesampaian laa kan... sebab orang jb tak kuasa nak masuk singapore ari ahad sebab isnin cuti. lagipon, ntah2 malam sabtu tu they all nak ronggeng terusssss...
aku pon ok jer laaa.. dari masak to takyah masak.. apa nak komplen? senang jek.. lain laa dari tak mencangkul, ko suruh aku cangkul sawah. haa yg ni baru aku komplen.
penat. badan pon sengal2, semalam main tennis, esok ada badminton, lengan aku pon iras2 sakit lagi ni.. aku nak terus mandi then later relax2 tengok Heroes. esok nak kena carik rezeki lagi... upss.. meneruskan rezeki..
lagipon, takde saper aku nak lazer dalam blog ni haa.. lain laa miss felda universe blogger famesss tuh wakakakakaka...
jalan2 carik makan ~foodelicious
ok this time aku nak introduce some of nice foods yg aku jumpa recently, those foods yg time gi makan tu aku ada camera kat tangan so sibuk laa snap snap while orang sebelah meja jeling jek. sukatik aku laa kan hehe.. so here goes...

aku makan ni dekat commonwealth drive food court. hmm aku tak sure dalam english benda ni kita panggil soup, sebab it's a desert. but again, bubur kacang tu pon dalam english kita panggil green bean soup kan? anyway, aku suker ginkgo nuts. kalau korang pernah dengar ginkgo biloba extract, yg kita ambil sebagai memory enhancer supplements tuh, ginkgo nuts ni dia punya seeds. price at $1 ($1.50 for extra ginkgo nuts).
dari stall yg sama. aku suker sebab bukan macam malay desert, dia tak banyak gula. kemanisan tu mostly dari sweet potato tu sendiri, so it's healthy and plain (read: delicious!). 80 cents per bowl.
ok actually aku tak tau apa nama benda nie. still from the same stall tapi takde dalam menu, so aku main tunjuk jer bila nak order. just ubi kayu rebus, lepas tu makan dengan santan yg dicampur dengan gula melaka. perghh.. aku suker sangat. dua hari berturut2 aku drive ke commonwealth semata2 nak makan benda 80 cents nih...
yg nie aku makan kat marina square shopping center food court. chinese yg buat tapi from halal stall. sedap, aku suker sebab kita boleh pilih tak letak udang. dalam ada telur. mahal sikit laa $1.90 per piece, tapi sebab kat marina square, so ok lahh...
from lucky plaza, orchard branch. tempat ni khabarnyer famous, tapi for me, ok jer ayam penyet dia. first, sebab sambal dia pedas, close to sambal belacan rather than macam sambal cili ala thai kalau makan elsewhere. for me still, the best ayam penyet is at changi village. plus, ayam penyet ria ni $6.50, compared to $4.00 market price.
from the same ayam penyet ria stall, aku prefer gado2 nih. sedap! especially dia punyer keropok dan belinjo. sayur2an kat bawah. kuah kacang dia boleh tahan sedap. aku rasa dalam $3 benda nih..
main attraction sebab a glass of this cappucino is $2 jek after 2pm kat marina square branch. normal price >$5. tak payah beli apa2 yg lain, minum sambil lepak2 kat sofa in front of the restaurant lepas penat shopping (ada robinson sale weekend lepas, kalau ko ocbc robinson member, ada 20% off so syooorgaaa membeli). tan tak tido malam minum nih hahaha...
the vegetarian restaurant tempat aku makan nie, just accross the road dari office aku, near bendemeer shopping street. wah convenient!! cuma kawan2 office aku sumer meat-eater, takde daging tak sah so takde geng nak seret. eventhough byk herbs dalam nie (read: healthy!). my first impression? eh manis! very light sweet taste, but lepas tu ada rasa masin2 sikit. different herbs different texture dia, so interesting experience throughout. aku pulak memang suker mee suah so luv it! price at $4 lebih kurang. ok lah for health tonic hehe..
from the same vegetarian restaurant as above. very nice, pekat so very worth it for $2 per glass. for me, first time jumpa dragon fruit juice.
aku makan nie kat circuit road food market. aku suker tempat nie sebab senang parking dan open air, best kalau makan dinner sambil borak2. speciality of this place is the vegetarian food, so byk stall2 vegetarian. nasi lemak ni surprisingly sedap! nasi dia pekat bau santan dan pandan, dan sambal dia pergghhh syooorga on earth. and no animal has to die in the process heh heh.. not that i'm vegetarian. tak ingat aku harga dia, $1.50 tak salah..
hah.. surat komplen?
gini.. last saturday time aku tengah bersantai kat rumah, tetiba ada orang bunyi loceng pintu depan. aku punya first reaction was... alamak, polis ke? takkan sebab aku donlod desperate housewives ye dak?? masa jengok kat lubang pintu tu kiranya jantung aku tu macam lari treadmill 12km/h. the good news is, aku rasa turun 10 miligram berat aku.
rupa2nya ada this chinese lady berdiri kat luar. aku bukak pintu. besar pintu aku bukak, besar lagi dia punya senyuman. isk, kalau dia nak jual apa2 harus aku tolak politely sebab seriously nampak baik jer. cuma kalau dia ajak aku join some underground cult practise ke, suruh aku belasah diri sendiri untuk get rid of some internal disease, aku still akan report to management.
tapi dia tunjuk aku satu surat.
oh dia kata dia owner unit kat bawah unit aku, dia nak bagitau yg dia ada buat report sebab ada leaking kat ceiling toilet master bedroom dia. sebab aku dok atas, kira aku laa puncanyer. so nak mintak aku ambil tindakan. surat tu tarikhnyer 6 october. ari ni? dah 18 october. kat surat tu pulak dalam bold letters ada tertulis, we would appreciate that you rectify this problem within 14 days of this letter.
wait. that means aku ada sampai isnin ni jer ke nak rectify this problem? laa.. boleh gitu? so apa yg akan aku buat ialah call the management ari isnin, sebab tu aku call condo management tadi. in overall, lady tu pon takde laa marah2 bawak parang ker time cakap ngan aku ari tuh. in fact, dari segi senyuman dia, aku cuma surprise jek dia tak bawak sekali cookies ke, bunga2an ker nak bagi aku.
so they all nak arrange check leakage tu ari sabtu ni sebab aku keje weekdays. wah very considerate kan? cuma aku ni gatal molot pulak, pergi suggest,'it's ok i'll ask from my boss to go back early this wednesday'. boleh gituh? gatal. hmm takpe laa.. maybe salah aku ye dak? agaknya sebab ceiling leakage kat unit dia tu buat dia tak tido malam, fobia bangun2 tido nanti dah lemas dek lelehan air dari atas. i don't wanna be... a murderer.... bak kata rihanna.
tu pon sah2 guna duit gak tuh. hmmm maintain a house is very costly ler. kadang2 ingat boleh simpan duit sikit, tapi sometimes lampu terbakar laa, pam tandas rosak laa, kabinet dapur reput laa. macam2. which is not fair, sebab aku dok sorang. pam tandas tu ada laa aku pam dua tiga kali jek sehari kan. bukan ada satu batalion askar dalam rumah aku nih memanjang nak buang air. kabinet dapur bawah sink tu pon. ada laa aku bukak dalam tiga kali setahun. tu pon time tan masuk dapur aku buat spot check. agaknya sebab tu laa rosak kot, underused. macam ko tengok rumah terbiar kan cepat rosak dari rumah yg orang duduk?
ntah laa.. buruk2 pon rumah sendri. tempat aku mengadu domba lepas balik keje.. isk isk.
meeting, anyone?
petang 3.30pm. aku baru lepas meeting.
seriously weekly monday meeting is very stressful okee. we have like 30 engineers inside the room, and the section boss duduk kat tengah2 ala2 emperor atas takhta, and department boss pulak side kick dia kat tepi. so apa pon yg ko buat, akan kelihatan laa di mata department manager okee. kalau berterabur ko punya data, maka berterabur laa duit increment ko tahun depan dan bertaburan laa ko punya promotion.
so aku ni kena laa bentangkan data for apa yg terjadi for the last one week dalam meeting nih, dan yg paling penting, mesti highlight the focus for next week. so powerpoint aku tu akan ada summary, trend graphs, corrective actions blah blah blah. kalau powerpoint ko setakat 3 pages, maka kelihatan laa seolah2 ko dok check yahoo mail dan menulis blog time keje, so buat macam aku. powerpoint aku ari ni ada 42 pages.
tapi still, yg stressnyer bila ko present tuh, kena laa tersusun sebab once boss konpius jek, maka ko pon akan konpius menjawab soalan2 dia. ala2 macam ko ni dalam bilik tahanan polis laa, under interrogation gituh. haa kalau ko terketar2 menjawab tak pasal2 kena cap guilty kan? engineer2 lain pulak duduk memerhatikan pementasan tersebut, termasuk laa engineer2 baru, so ko taknak laa imej ko tercemar orang ingat ko tak capable. karang tinggal rupa jek tapi imej masuk bakul sampah.
sebab tu abis2 meeting jek aku rasa macam baru start weekend. time keluar meeting lalu tepi cubicles orang nampak bunga plastic pon rasa macam bunga2 semua berkembang, rama2 berterbangan gituh. nak pulak next week monday cuti deepavali! yahoo!! lagi 2 minggu laa aku bakal berdepan lagi dengan this weekly meeting misery. aku pon in no hurry laa nak sambung keje2 nih ari nie. dah setengah jam aku dok pusing2 senyum tak tentu pasal. gumbira okee..
my 5 minutes of misery-free life.
what i did last night
...was a blur.
i didn't really know what happened. one moment i was having fun in a bar, taking up the loud music and i felt like i've just choked on the high glass... and next thing i know i was lying facing down in a desert under blistering heat, with a turtle just a few inches from my face.
ok that was a scene from heroes.
what i really did, was standing facing up to this stone.

yes, i went to the singapore flyers. ok i know this Singapore Flyer has been opened to public since.. like forever (**i checked this, it was opened on 14-feb-2008, yes, on valentines day which is so 'cliche) but i guess, just like everything else that are close to us, we tend to ignore them because they are near anyway so we thought we should be able to visit them anytime we want. i mean, i'm sure there are many parisians who haven't even go to eiffel tower yet. or egyptians who never been to the pyramids, or malaysians who haven't been into the ISA cells.
anyway, the real story is, i was driving through raffles boulevard heading to marina square when i discovered the singapore flyer entrance. this might sound stupid but even though i know the flyer is somewhere close to AYE that i always drive through, i never really properly figured out where the entrance is.
until accidentally today.


ok maybe this flyer isn't the first-thing-in-the-world invention at all, but as it is one of the prominent landmark in the heart of singapore city, i did feel a bit surreal to finally see the base structure. it's like when you visited a friend's house for the first time, and felt like you know him more thereafter.
we didn't ride the flyer though. i know the flyer looks impressive and everything but there is no way i'm gonna spend 30 bucks for that merry-go-round ride, watching singapore skyscrappers view that i've seen like a million times it's practically already etched inside my corneas.
maybe in the future though, when i play host to some outside oh-my-god-i-visited-singapore-so-i-must-ride-the-flyer visitors.

this was from the spot where i realized that the flyer was actually moving. ok i know it should be moving but the movement is so slow that it is not obvious at all from afar. as captivating as it looks, one cells exchanged people one after another before rising up high in the sky, i'm pretty captivated to the view underneath the boarding deck as well. they planted this whole mini-forest down there, complete with fountains and banana trees. i expect if i look hard enough, i would find tarzan there too, not sleeping on the park bench because then he would be fined 200 dollars, according to the new singapore law released last week (can you believe that? we cannot sleep in the park bench in singapore anymore. so if you have 200 dollars to spend, get a hotel room instead. you have been warned.)
there were shops inside the building but not many people in them. it's a joy really, to be visiting a place in the city on friday night that is not packed with people in singapore. it's like you have just found a secret underground celebrity-only spot. hip, grand but not crowded.
except this particular place...

when i first saw this bunch of legs from outside the display window, at a glance i thought the mannequins were taking a rest. until i realized that the legs were actually moving and there were zillions of small fishes nibbling on them. like they could feel anything. i say, since you pay 30 dollars for the this 30 minutes fish-nibbling session, why not put something more prominent and more value-for-money inside the water? like alligators.
from the singapore flyers, we then walked down to marina bay. you know, the marina bay is just around my backyard (everywhere is around our backyards in this tiny island), but believe it or not, i think this was only my only second time being there this year, after the new year countdown.
gosh. have i been this unhip and boring?


i had camera on my hand and this night view of singapore most famous skyscrappers in front of me. so what should i do? snap them, although i've snapped this view many times before.
but wait. what's that construction underneath the highway bridge? are they building new road or something?
it looks like it. what i realized about singapore is, they are very fast in putting new stuff out. one moment it's not there, then u look away one second, and it's there. most clear example is the ERP. i mean, how many times was i shocked to find a new ERP gantry suddenly popping out like mushrooms after the rain while i drive through my normal route? just last week i found one ERP popping out near the eunos exit on the PIE (my line when i saw that was - damn you blood-sucking LTA).


ok according to the notice board above, they are building a pedestrian bridge across the marina bay.
you know what? i think that is such a good idea. many times when i drove through the AYE across marina bay, i wish i was walking instead so i could stop and enjoy the view for a moment, and embrace the metropolitan life that i'm living. it's a feeling i guess new yorkers feel everytime they walk through the time square or the rockerfeller center, feeling every bit as though they were casts of friends on the way to the central perk, and that they really belong there...
am i making much sense? anyway, it looks like a nice modern bridge. full stop.
looking at the other side, the night was still young from the sounds and lights of (which i believe is) the marina bay casino construction site. who won the bid to build a casino here last time? was it the sands or something? anyway, the construction is going full gear to get this casino up. i'm so excited. not for the casino as in i want to gamble, but to check-out the whole new singapore outlook. i mean, how many of us could say we spend the day hanging around casinos? exactly.


just beside the esplanade (or as the locals fondly call 'the durian'), we heard some balinese kind of mystic music being played. i was like wow, since when the ministry of sound dj changed trend to playing this kind of traditonal music? i mean, how are the disco-goers gonna strutt their stuff to this anyway?
wait. can we really hear the music that clearly if it is really from the ministry of sound disco bar?
oh some guys are playing the instruments in the performance arena just beside the esplanade near the ministry of sound. ok this makes more sense. apparently there were some traditional music and dance festival going on and it was the balinese music session.
me? not really in the mood the check this out, so after snapping some photos, off i went, faster than you could say 'babi guling'.


ok basically, those were what really did last night, and no, they were not taken from any parts of Heroes.
everything happens for a reason (or does it?)
wah ari ni aku rasa aku gigih keje kat opis. haha.. dapat settle satu issue. tu pon dah bagossss ok sebab time2 nih mostly org tengah pikir pasal...
kalo ko tengok kat cafeteria, penuh manusia bincang pasal keadaan ekonomi semasa. salah satu topicnyer? haaa.. pasal this joint venture company yg aku nak join dedolu tuh.. dekat2 awal tahun gak laa. alaa yg kat woodlands tuh.. biler time interview aku jek blank kan, tiba2 otak aku macam komputer kena reformat depan interviewer.. last2 memang tak dapat masok.
hah nak tau?
company tu belum start operasi pon, dah layoff orang!! kelmarin aku dengar 60% org dia disuruh carik keje lain. semalam 90% pulak.. dan ari ni 95%. jadiknyer, 95% org yg dah diambil utk bakal keje kat situ, dah dibebaskan okee.. so tinggal laa 5%. aku ingat mesti tukang cuci, tukang bokak/totop lampu, pak guards jek yg tinggal dalam 5% tuh. most of colleagues2 aku yg successful transfer ke sana, maybe tak dapat laa masuk company aku balik kan.. sebab dah kena replaced.
waaaah nasib baik aku tak masok. syukur sesangat okee. kalau tak kan.. aku musti tengah belek2 sok-khabar time nih nak carik keje. so ada hikmahnyer tiba2 aku blank time interview tuh. who knows this thing could happen? dulu rasa macam grand sgt kalau dapat transfer.
kesimpulannyer, everything happens for a reason.
macam aku call plumber datang rumah aku ari ni nak baiki toilet aku punye flush tank dan sinki yg tersumbat. aku kena charge 200 dollars. wah aku ingat.. banyaknyer? sampai beratus2 ke nak baiki tanki flush tuh? aku ingat dalam 50 dollars gitu, tapi rupa2nyer pam bodo dalam toilet tu harga dia 160 dollars okee. jangan main2. ni 1st time laa kan aku panggil plumber, aku pon tak tau nak expect berapa harga. kalau aku kena ketok pon, overcharge aku pasrah jek. hmm takpe laa.. everything happens for a reason kan?...
upss.. tepon.
laa.. mak aku call, bagitau rumah kat kl kena sambar petir. habis kena tv dan komputer. tv aku dengar ok, tapi komputer monitor padam.
ni 2nd time okee, kena sambar petir. eventhough unlikely jer kena di antara beribu2 rumah kat keramat tuh, kenapa asyik rumah aku jek yg kena? why? why? mak aku kata ari tu ada cina cakap sebab piring astro tuh tinggi, kat atas bumbung tingkat dua, padahal letak rendah kat balcony pon ok sebab piring tu bukan macam antenna. ntah lah... mesti ada hikmahnyer kot. everything happens for a reason kann...
yg pasti aku lepas mak aku call tadi dok godeh2 website nak carik support center punya contact, nak suruh orang datang rumah baiki. tapi susahnyer.. website dia klik sini pergi sana klik sana pergi sini. dia seboleh2nyer letak 1000 manual kat website supaya tak payah orang datang rumah. masalah aku bukan virus ker hapa, program corrupted etc tapi monitor takleh bukak. ko letak 1000 manual pon, bukan aku dapat troubleshoot.
haizzz... lady luck musti masih cuti beraya lagi nih. takpon dah padam tercekik kuih raya...
reunion oh reunion
aku nengok gambo member2 sama blaja kat jepon dulu punya gathering. they all met up last weekend kat kl. kira macam reunion laa.. eventhough cuma 18 org jek yg datang out off, hmmm.. dekat2 seratus orang gak laa yg pegi jepon dulu. 18 orang tu pon termasuk anak bini.
actually aku tak paham btol orang yg datang reunion bawak anak bini. kita dah laa lama tak jumpa, nak borak2, tapi end up banyak interruption sebab kena layan budak2. masa pon jadi sekejap. anak nangis laa, nak susu bagaii.. letak laa anak kat rumah sekejap barang sejam dua, suruh mak ke orang gaji ke jaga. ni tak, aku tengok gambar muka masing2 tak nampak sebab tengah menyuap anak.
maybe nak kenalkan anak bini ler tu. isk seriously, most of the time aku tak kisah pon kalau tak jumpa anak2 beranak tuh. kalau aku, aku cuma nak proper conversation with my friends, nak catch up things sejak kita leave jepon dulu. so takyah laa nak tayang anak2 tuh. biar laa cute mana pon sebab most of the time yg perasan cute, kita sendri jek.
haa ada dengar macam sour grape tak? hahaha..
weekend report card
1100 - aku plan nak pegi rumah relative aku kat pasir ris nak bagi jemputan kahwin adik aku nov nanti. aku ingat nak datang beraya sekali lah tapi dari sms conversation macam jumpa sekejap pass kad jek. dah siap mandi nih, baru aku realized yg kad tu aku tertinggal dalam celah buku kat office. cheh.
1230 - aku drive ke panasonic kat jalan bukit merah, dekat IKEA alexandra sana. videocam aku punya viewing screen blacked-out ler so aku hantar for repair. videocam ni dah 5 tahun okee baru sekarang ada serious trouble. kesimpulan? good quality. aku sampai ke service counter tu ingat kena beratur lama, tapi ada dua tiga orang jek tengah hantar barang untuk repair.. wah.. aku terus terpikir, mesti berkualiti kot barang2 panasonic, takde byk yg rosak gituh. service officer tu kata maybe kena charge up to 150 dollars untuk repair. kalau takde spare part, maybe kena hantar ke jepun. eeek!! aku nak guna videocam ni masa wedding adik aku nanti. camne? camne?
1330 - aku singgah makan vegetarian food kat jalan bukit merah, dah terlanjur dekat. aku selalu pergi dengan tan tempat ni masa dia keje kat alexandra road dulu. aku sekarang dalam mission kembali ke pre-hari raya shape, so hajat di hati tu nak makan herbal noodles laa. don't laugh ok. tapi takde laa pulak, lama aku menatap menu tuh ala2 macam baca kitab.. so in the end aku main order jek sheng mian, rupa2nya mee crispy dalam kuah hitam tuh. hmmm aku even tak sure if it was that healthy. bummer.
1500 - kawan ofis aku datang 2 orang ke rumah aku. they all selalu datang swimming kat condo aku punya swimming pool sebab tak ramai orang compared tu public swimming pool. ko tau laa singapore ni orang dia keje berenang jek. cuba tanya orang kl, berapa orang yg tau berenang? condo aku ni banyak indiana jones, yg tak berapa suka kot air2 nih.. so most of the time swimming pool tu sepi jek. privacy gituh kalau guna. so aku pun join sekali sebab kalau sorang selalu malas jek nak pegi. elok2 cuaca pun dari panas jadi mendung, air pulak suam2 kuku. very nice swimming session merangkap sessi berangan jadi michael phelps.
1700 - nak tau, rupa2nya kawan aku tuh baru beli kereta! toyota vios sport, weekend car for 31K dollars. murah! ambik loan 23K so bayar downpayment 8K dollarsjek. isk jealous okee. bukan jealous kat kereta vios tu kan, tapi sebab kereta dia baru. sebelum they all balik, aku belek2 kereta dia. masuk bau kereta baru lagi, bau leather. rasa kereta aku tu macam dah lama. isk isk.
2200 - watched movies back to back kat rumah. first, citer 'untraceable'. pasal this guy torture orang then broadcast live in internet. the more orang log in tengok, lagi cepat yg kena torture tu mati. thriller story. my verdict? 7/10. then tengok citer the forbidden kingdom. citer ni mula2 mengantuk aku tengok sampai tertido kejap tapi part2 last lawan2 tuh, segar pulak mata aku. aku memang suka citer kungfu2 yg ada terbang2 nih. so my verdict 6/10. aku tido pukul 2.30am.
0930 - aku bangun. terlupa nak tengok spongebob dan totally spies kat tv. isk. godeh2 pc kejap tulis blog. ingat nak turun basuh kereta tapi itu ini begitu begini dah pukul 11am. janji ngan tan nak pegi JB pukul 12. so tak jadi lah aku membasuh. alah kereta kotor sikit, kalau bawak laju2 orang perasan ke? ahaks!
1200 - drive ke toa payoh, pickup tan, dan pegi ke jb. wah causeway tak banyak kereta. very the abnormal okee.. selalu tu berbondong-bondong lah kereta nak masuk jb. ntah nak buat apa kat jb tu pon aku tak tau. cuma kat malaysian custom macam hanjeng skett, slow banget. immigration officers malaysia banyak cuti raya ke? slow ya amat. kadang2 15 minit tak jalan oke. apa masalahnyer.. cop passport jek kan? kenapa lama sangat? agaknya passport orang tu dari muka depan sampai muka belakang dia nak baca. terus khatam sadokallahulazim gituh. baru cop. dah laa panas2 dalam kereta, aircond pun tak rasa. berbakul2 laa we all umpat malaysia time menunggu tuh.
1300 - sampai rumah nora kat larkin residence. ada kawan2 dia termasuk laa sorang perempuan jepun yg pakai baju kurung yg tersangatlah cantiknya. terus aku tanya tailor mana dia tempah kat singapore. hehe mana tau nak tempah baju melayu tahun depan. nora masak nasi impit, kuah lontong dan rendang daging. aku nak cakap, rendang daging nora jadik! rasa macam the actual rendang daging okee. bukan rendang brahim tau. tulen bang. lepas aku makan, nora buat pulak personal desert, letak aiskrim dalam gelas tinggi tuh, potong strawberry dan tabur chocolate rise. wah personal touch.. service manten okee..tak sia2 aku meredah onak belantara kastam malaysia ke jb.
1530 - sempat jumpa tompok sekejap, dia datang dari kempas. sempat laa salam beraya kan. tompok kata dia masa bulan puasa berat turun 4 kilo. lepas raya, naik 4.5 kilo. hehe boleh? makan lemang 2 batang, mana taknye ihikkss!! sempat laa bergambar kejap, walaupun tak pakai baju raya. upss.. aku pakai baju raya okee.. bukan baju melayu laa tapi.
1730 - masa drive balik ke singapore, singgah kat yio chu kang dengan tan sebab aku teringin nak makan sushi. yelah dah lama sejak sebelum bulan puasa tak makan sushi. nak pulak, sushi ni termasuk dalam healthy food laa kan. 99 cents sepinggan kat nihon mura. murah oke.. dan kualiti dia bukan laa kualiti sampah macam sushi king kat mesia tuh. pathetic sangat saper yg makan sushi king. very plastic. cuma sebelum nak masuk parking tu aku brek mengejut nak buat left turn, sikit lagi kereta belakang nak langgar. panjang hon aku kena. hehe.. hazukashikattak wa.. (malu di tahap hampir maksimum).
2000 - tengah berbelah bagi. harus ke aku turun sekejap pegi gym or swimming. malas rasanya. esok will be a hectic day at work, belum apa2 dah terasa kepenatananya. ermm.. maybe i should conserve some energy dan just work out tomorrow? esok malam ada plan main tennis.. hmmm
Grade: not gradable.
Whole Weekend Grade:B
~ almost realistically quite down-to-earth enjoyable
Raya 2008 Xposed

bergambar di pagi raya. bapak aku tengah salin baju melayu kat atas rumah time ni, so aku, my mum, small bro and sis rehearsal dulu ambik gambar. stress tau ambik gambar raya, mesti lawa2 berseri2 bak macam baru lepas mandi bunga...

hah ni dia baju raya beta. kuning gold di raja, so time duduk tu boleh laa berangan tengah bersemayam atas takhta. suker pulak aku design baju ni. beli siap kat singapore. mak aku punya komen? eh baju ni takde pesak.. nak tau apa dia pesak? tanya lah tailor anda...

haa ni bapak aku dah turun so bergambar laa kita complete sekeluarga. complete time tu yg ada kat rumah laa. adik laki aku no2 on the way datang dari rumah mertua dia time nih, dan adik laki aku sorang lagi ada kat new york blaja..
semua orang kata bapak aku nampak garang. termasuk laa aku.. takut woo masa kecik2 dulu hehehe..

hidangan pagi raya. ketupat daun palas dengan dendeng daging, nasi impit dengan kuah kacang dan serunding daging, kek lapis monica dan kek lapis sarawak. time ni makan memang lupa dunia punyer lah.. lupa dunia ingat akhirat.. bolley??

gambar beta lagi. mata beta tak tahan kena flash, asal ada flash jek, mata beta pon akan kuyu lah macam tak tidor malam 3 hari buat qiyamullail lepas tarawikh..

ok fast forward ke hari raya kedua. hari raya kedua we all drove down to kampung datuk aku kat negeri sembilan. kampung we all ni sebelah jalan keretapi, so ni hah adik aku bercanda dgn cousin we all kat atas landasan.
attention: do not try this at home!

rumah datuk aku. masa aku kecik2 dulu beranda kat depan tu takde. sekarang beranda tu become a very nice place to lepak2 time tengah panas. berangin jek..duduk kat luar tu boleh gak sambil mengumpat dengan orang baring atas rumah through the windows. memang strategic laa.. raya kalau orang datang bertandang, tak payah pon ajak naik rumah, dok situ jek..

merce berlatarbelakangkan rumah kecik kat belakang. nice contrast, modern and ermm.. traditional?? ahahahaha..

pokok rambutan nie baru jer habis berbuah. masa bulan puasa aku dengar lebat lagi. kalau time lebat berbuah tu, dari tingkap atas rumah boleh petik. makcik aku johan memanjat. aku sorry ler.. panjat tiang letrik bulehh..

the amazing puduraya race
tiap2 kali aku balik ke singapore dari kl, aku ambil bas di puduraya. selalunya bapak aku akan hantar aku ke station lrt cempaka, dan dari situ aku ambik train ke station plaza rakyat aka puduraya.
ahad lepas, macam biasa bapak aku hantar aku ke station cempaka. aku selalu pergi awal sikit sebab pernah sekali train tiba2 berhenti kat station maluri. no announcement no nothing. sengap jek. aku cuak sebab kalau tak jalan nanti tertinggal bas. last2 tunggu tak jalan2, aku blah ambik taxi.
but ahad lepas, the train ride was smooth laa pulak. sampai di plaza rakyat, aku pun pelan2 jalan ke kaunter transnasional puduraya. aku dah siap2 upload e-book dalam laptop so this time tak payah beli apa2 reading material.
sampai2 je ke kaunter transnasional, aku terus check information board, yg biasa ada tulis bas2 yg akan berlepas.
alor star 11.00am
kuala terengganu 9.30am
ipoh 10.30am
sungai petani..
eh? mana bas ke singapore?
tiba2 aku ternampak kertas putih terpampang kat sebelah kaunter.
'dari 15 september ke 15 oktober 2008, semua bas menghala ke selatan akan bertolak dari station bas stadium bukit jalil'
aku check ticket bas aku.
5 Oktober 2008. naik di puduraya.
laaa.. tukar station ker? isk... aku kat kl dah laa terputus dengan info2 media massa sebab media2 gov ni memang bapak aku dah block. takde national tv, or normal mainstream newspaper kat rumah. macam mana aku tau station bas dah berubah tempat?
aku buat2 bodo tanya abang kat kaunter,
'bang, bas ke singapore naik kat bukit jalil ke?'
'ha ah'
oh god.
'kalau nak pergi sana, naik lrt. jalan jam',
abang tu sambung.
baik laa pulak. ni information salah atas ticket ni sapa nak bertanggungjawab nih? aku tengok jam. alamak, lagi 20 minit to 10.30am. tak sempat aku nak melazer.
aku terus pusing berlari2 anak balik ke station plaza rakyat. bahu kanan galas bag baju adidas, belakang galas laptop, tangan kiri pegang bag kain isi kuih2 raya bagaii.. harung terowong pejalan kaki yg tak beraircond tuh.. mengah berpeluh2..
ish aku terpikir kalau tertinggal bas nih, macam mana nak balik singapore? dah sah2 susah dapat bas time2 balik raya macam nih.
oh god oh god oh god.
sampai2 ke station plaza rakyat, aku terus check train network map.
plaza rakyat ke.... hmmm.. takde pun bukit jalil? kena change train ke? train line mana pergi bukit jalil?
time tu laa aku realized banyaknyer train kat KL nih. star laa, putra laa, komuter, klia transit blah blah blah.. aku carik information counter. alamak, takde. cuma ada ticketing counter. banyak pulak orang beratur nak beli ticket. tak paham aku, machine ticket banyak2 beratur kenapa orang beratur beli kat kaunter?
anyway, aku rasa tak sempat kalau aku naik train. nak tukar line lagi.
aku patah balik ke puduraya. aku berlari rempuh jek ulat2 depan kaunter2 ticket tuh dengan bag kat kiri kanan aku. gasak laa. yg pasti, aku nak ke jalan besar at the other side of puduraya a.s.a.p.
ok tahan taxi.
wah terus ada taxi berenti. aku dah nak buka pintu tapi driver taxi turunkan tingkap. nak tanya destination laa tu.
bukit jalil?
aku tanya.
dia geleng2, terus tutup tingkap dan blah. cheh.
aku tengok jam. already less than 15 minutes to 10.30am.
tak kuasa aku nak maki taxi tuh. mana taxi lain? aku terkinja2 sampai dekat ke tengah jalan menahan taxi. tak kisah pon apa2 yg nampak macam kereta tumpang aku tahan. desperate okee..
hah ada taxi berenti. pakcik pakai kopiah.
bukit jalil?
aku tanya.
pakcik tu angguk. alhamdulillah. leganya dapat duduk at last.
'pakcik, saya ada bas 10.30am. cepat sikit ok'.
pakcik tu tengok jam. aku tengok muka dia sceptical jek.
'kalau pakcik sempat sampai, saya bagi extra'.
tu dia. belum seminggu dalam bulan syawal, aku dah rasuah pakcik tuh. aku tak kisah, dia langgar speed limit ke, lampu merah ke, orang naik beskal ker, janji aku sampai.
dalam taxi aku jenuh call transnasional singapore branch. sebab tu jek nombor aku ada dalam phone book. aku mintak phone number transnasional kl. dapat jek, terus aku call.
cepat pulang ada orang angkat. time ni ok pulak service dia.
'kak, gini.. bas saya ke singapore pukul 10.30am. tapi kat ticket tulis naik di puduraya. ni saya kena bergegas ke bukit jalil. boleh suruh bas tunggu saya kejap tak?'
akak tu jawab,'
takpe, awak sampai bukit jalil nanti awak pegi je ke platform 4'.
'yelah, tapi saya takut tak sempat. saya dalam taxi nih. 5-10 minit tunggu pon ok'.
pakcik taxi tadi kata kalau tunggu 5 minit pon sempat aku sampai.
'awak pegi je ke platform 4 ok'.
bangang ke apa akak nih? isk.. sakit hati cakap dengan orang macam ni time2 aku gelisah nih..
at last, aku sampai bukit jalil. aku rasa macam pelari marathon okee, dah nampak garisan penamat. masalahnyer, sempat tak?? jam tepat2 pukul 10.30am. jam aku ler.. wah2.. 15 minit jek dari puduraya ke bukit jalil. pakcik ni agaknya ada superpower.
tambang dekat2 10 hengget tapi aku hulur pakcik tu 30.
'eh banyak nih!'
pakcik tu kata.
'takpe laa pakcik, duit raya...'
terus aku keluar berlari laa ke platform 4.
o oh ada bas tulis KL-JB-Singapore.
aku naik je tangga bas, driver bas tu tanya,
'awak duduk seat 6C kan?'.
haa ni mesti dia tunggu nih. hmm.. ok gak laa kan. setakat lewat sikit. yg pasti, aku lega. barulah jantung aku tak rasa macam nak jatuh. time aku duduk kat seat aku, wah rasa lapang sesangat. macam baru lepas naik rollercoaster okee. padahal, naik bas bodo jer.
what an adrenaline-filled morning!
10 thoughts on hari raya
1) hari raya is such a family day
we prepare for the big day together (clean and decorate the house, prepare the foods etc), then we spend the big day together (have the same sumptuous meals, go to the mosque in the same car, visits relatives) and then spend the after raya effect together (getting sick of the same food) too. in short, for that few days, we always see the same face, and we like it.
2) duit raya giving should be abolished
i mean, that money in green packets all working people is expected to hand out to non-working people during hari raya. as if we don't already spend a lot preparing for the day. at least, make it to be given only by married people. it's not fair for non-married people you know, who's already miserable answering question about marriage plan by relatives, and then have to part with our only money soulmates. ok it's not like i'm miserable, but still... hey, teach our youngs the pain of earning money, shall we?
3) forgiveness is such a sad gesture
really. everytime me and my siblings asked for forgiveness from our parents on the morning of hari raya day, we cried. almost, for me anyway. my sister is the worst, she could barely speak and her mascara and eye liner all went down the drain.
4) it's a drive-cow-towards-extinction day
because that's all that we eat for that few days. beef. eat lemang (that glutinuous rice wrapped with banana leaves cooked inside bamboo pieces) with beef rendang, eat ketupat (that compressed rice cooked inside coconut leaves) with peanut sauce added with beef serunding. these dishes were in almost every house we visited too.
5) i have 1001 living relatives
i may not meet them for the rest of the year and most i don't even know their names or remember their faces or how we are related, but man, do i have lots of blood relatives. when i was in my grandpa's village, people kept coming in visiting and i was like, who the hell are these people? it's almost a wonder why siti nurhaliza wasn't one of them.
6) teenagers do the craziest (stupidest) things
like sleeping on the train track. i heard that during the fasting month, 5 teenage students from nearby hostel escaped from nightime hostel curfew, somehow ended up sleeping on nearby railway track. in the middle of the night, the train came and 2 of them didn't manage to wake up on time. stupid? well, my auntie said they were sniffing glue that night, which would make more sense...
7) ghosts do exist. or do they?
i heard story about this black furry without-head figure that likes to pin people down on the bed from a neighbour's house. that house has an old grave underneath the stairs. plus, the old abandoned houses in the village has many 'mysterious beings. last time the villagers like to rare these, well, paranormal beings to help them in their everyday's work. when these villagers die, these 'things were left unattended in the emptied house. have you ever wonder why some abandoned house become bad so fast, but when people stay there without doing any house fix it won't become bad at all?
8) the government is evil
they want to add in a new railway track in addition to the existing one that runs across my grandpa's village but i heard they are going to take the villagers' land that could make 20 railway tracks. the notice is up but the villagers were not told of any compensation deal yet. this looks like a losing battle. if this is true, i'm left without a village by next year.
9) everybody looks for chicken after hari raya
call it post hari raya effect. after we returned to the city, we decided that we were sick of hari raya food. so we went out to buy some kfc. the take-out line was long. apparently everybody was sick of hari raya food too. alternative? chickens. everybody was buying in buckets until they ran out of fried chickens. so we drove to mc donalds but there we have to wait 30 minutes for them to prepare another batch of sold-out fried chickens. it was a night of fried chicken hunting and we failed. we ate pizza hut instead.
10) ermmm.. i thought of writing this haha...
ok no more thoughts. i'm sleepy. it has been a busy day so i want to sleep now.
..till next year hari raya!
raya pertama... done!
eh raya kan.. rasa laaaamaaaa jek. kenape ek? raya pertama pukul 5 petang dah rasa macam raya ke-3 ke-4 gituh.
agaknyer sebab banyak activiti kot. yelah biasa time cuti kan dok melepek depan tv, atas katil, depan pc minum milo panass..
kalau raya, macam tahun nie, lepas mintak maaf balik sembahyang raya, sibuk melayan besan2. bapak aku ler melayan besan2 :-immediate family adik laki aku, lepas tu bakal suami adik pempuan aku.
kiranyer, kalau bapak aku takde besan lagi, takde pengunjung langsung semalam.
aku nak harapkan kawan, ermm kat kl ni takde laa. tu laa kalau sekolah kat sekolah methodist yg majority nyer non-malays, lepas tu study oversea. keje pulak kat singapore.
tapi relatives banyak. masa ni laa kan nak melawat. hari ni raya kedua, kejap lagi nak balik rembau, rumah datuk aku belah mak.
rumah kampong so lain sikit laa suasana nyer. orang kampong ni kalau jumpa mesti, eh anak sapo nih? anak si ejah yo? laaaaa dah bosa panjang dah... tiap2 tahun laa dia menanya. dah tua kan.. tak ingat kot. ok lah, as long as tak masuk bab, eh berapo anak kau dah??
banyak betul aku makan daging. iskkk.. banyak lagi dari sepanjang tahun sampai sebelum raya nih. aku ni jenis yg tak suka makan daging. red meat, lembu ker, kerbau, kuda, gajah sumer..
bakal suami adik aku pulak call dari segambut, tanya mana nak carik kepala lembu. eeekkk!! kepala lembu! kenapa ada org makan kepala lembu luar dari fear factor?? tak paham aku.. pada aku.. GROSSS..
mak aku pulak terus kata, kepala lembu? haa pegi dekat area zoo negara sana ada stall jual kepala lembu berderet.. seolah2 tiap2 minggu laa dia membeli. terkejut aku. rupa2nya mak aku nampak masa lalu tahun lepas..
tak makan daging pon, tapi raya kan. apa rupanya kalau tak makan rendang. macam pergi raya semalam, orang hulur pinggan. takkan nak makan kuih raya jek. nanti orang ingat mat salleh sesat.
lagipun mana boleh resist dendeng mak aku ngan ketupat palas kan. even makan ketupat nasi ngan kuah kacang pon letak serunding daging. sepanjang hari semalam tu jek laa menu aku..
semalam, dan nampak gayanyer, ari ni, esok lusa..
cempedak goreng takde ker?