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unsexily flu--ish

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

i saw the company doctor today, right after the conference call. i was having sore throat since saturday, and by this morning i started to have a bit of flu so i better treat fix this fast. can u imagine? i swallowed half of the vitamin pills available in the drug store and still got this flu?

we have this small clinic right beside the HR department, so that everytime after we register to see the doctor, we could flirt with those HR ladies.. i mean.. aunties. they are very chatty. one of them like to call me 'adekk' which surely a bit rude? i mean, am i that close her age?

anyway..the point of this clinic also i always questioned. if we can go to the clinic in the office, that means we are strong enough to go to work, right? what's the purpose then? maybe they anticipate people get injured or something during work so it's handy having a clinic inside the office.

so i went to see the doctor. apparently they have this new doctor, dr ivan something. i read it on the door. i wonder it the doctor was the same auntie doctor last time. she was pretty ok though. ok here largely means, easy to get mc doctor. even better? the one that gives without asking. they really should teach that at medical school, under customer service section.

this ivan doctor is a tall young chinese doctor. i couldn't register his look properly because from the moment i sit on that chair, and less than a minute later when i stood up, i felt like i was in a fast forward motion. he asked what's wrong with me? since when i have those symptoms? do i feel this and that? and what medicine he's gonna give me all in one breath.

at the moment i stepped outside the door, i only realized about the mc thing. i didn't have my chance at all to play sympathetic.

damn this doctor is good!



  1. fiza said...

    last year, mse i kt clinic panel office..

    ade 2 org perempuan masuk, pgi kt kaunter & tnye..
    "kt sini ade jual mc tak??"

    straight fwd pnye soalan!

    uhh, ada lg rupanya org yg mcm nie..

    nasib baik clinic tu x jual mc, kalo tak harus i mntak boss tukar clinic lain..

    February 11, 2009 at 11:23 AM  

  2. Ed said...

    duh.. i used to know sumone in malaysia who sell mc for RM5 per mc..

    February 11, 2009 at 12:47 PM  

  3. fiza said...

    kt sini 15 hengget!!

    tp i tak penah beli okee..
    ade la tnye kwn2..just for general info..ahaha..

    February 11, 2009 at 4:48 PM  

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