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hands in the cookie jar

Sunday, August 31, 2008

lazy sunday. but still aku multi tasking from pagi2 buta, watching tennis US open, hearing latest english hits, surfing and chatting all at once. very the efficient.

oh yeah, selamat hari merdeka malaysia!!

sebagai warganegara, aku tumpang bangga for our country, for the fact yg kita dah merdeka.. opps.. berapa tahun? 2008-1957.. oh 51 tahun.

aku bukak gak RTM for the raptai sekejap. hmm.. ala2 tv pendidikan jek. bunch of people marching on the streets dengan ala2 terpaksa, takde senyum, longlai.. dengan pemimpin2 semua duduk atas kerusi selesa atas pentas dengan muka boring.

chotto.. at least bagi laa lively sikit. aku tengok singapore punya national day very the eventful. everybody was very proud to participate sampai aku pulak proud sekejap tengok. dapat tiket tengok NDP macam dapat lottery tau.

something wrong in the moods of malaysians lately that they, or should i say, we have to quickly fix.

and can someone please make new raptai background music that sounds like in 21st century? ni macam lagu dalam buku teks music darjah 5.

tomorrow dah masuk ramadhan bulan puasa. pejam celik pejam celik je kan? rasa macam baru bulan lepas jek aku withdraw duit ratus2 for duit raya. so.. apa aku teringin makan ari ni yek?

... naaaante omotte shimattak! the other day my cubicle mate, this christian lady yg kira alim jugak laa, said, you muslim very funny. you all fast during the day and then eat very luxuriously at night. what's the point?

aku pun terkesima kejap. that's true. kalau kita mentedarah malam2, apa maknanya siang2 tahan nafsu? amari imi nai janai?

still, on these final days i got 'my hands always in the cookie jar' hahaha..

semalam aku shopping kat ntuc untuk barang2 dapur untuk sahur, te iu ka, just biscuits and soya bean drink supaya tulangku ini tak mudah rapuh dek osteoperosis(eja?), this lady depan aku beli barang $4.85 bayar pakai note $1000.

$1000 okay... this cashier guy pulak macam biasa jek bagi change back, macam bayar pakai $10 note. good customer service. cuma aku pulak yg a bit irritated kat belakang tunggu budak tu kira duit dekat 10 kali.

oklah di kesempatan ini, aku nak mengucapkan

"selamat hari merdeka, and selamat menyambut bulan ramadhan dengan penuh kebarkhahan (whatever that means)"


what's in the box? a chipmunk?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

haha u MUST see this.. macam nak pecah perut aku ketawa..

this is amuro punya latest single 'do me more' parody, this guy ubah dia punya lirik as to how it really sounds like...

youtube link

haha in fact kalau aku tak tengok the real lyrics, macam ala2 percaya jek that parody. u all know laa kan amuro punya pronounciation hahaha..

btw, this is the Actual lyrics..

Do me more

甘い香り 誘われて来たの?
You wanna know what's in the box?
a rich one? a cheap one?

シャイなBoyでいたいからって are you?
But I'll be there
You don't have to worry no more

Are we flyin'?
It gets deeper in the dream world

夢-現実 境目なんて曖昧に
Bass Line がこの世界では案内人
迷子のふりして You want me more
何度でも Feel that you love me more
お菓子の城で You wanna give me more, more, more

Do me more
It's deeper, sweeter, do me more
It's deeper, sweeter, do me more
It's deeper, sweeter, do me more
It's deeper, sweeter, do me more

Your red shinin' lips like a queen butterfly
もっと奥まで知りたいなら question
答えて How you feel good? "I feel good"

You don't have to cry そうでしょ?

浮かぶ you say
It gets deeper in the dream world

夢-現実 境目なんて曖昧に
Bass Line がこの世界では案内人
迷子のふりして You want me more
何度でも Feel that you love me more
お菓子の城で You wanna give me more, more, more

Do me more
It's deeper, sweeter, do me more
It's deeper, sweeter, do me more
It's deeper, sweeter, do me more
It's deeper, sweeter, do me more


Every way that you choose
どれが正解? (ねえ?)
答え全部 on your mind さあ
まだまだこれからkick the floor (yeah)
だってここはSpecial Dreamin' World


papa don't preach

Saturday, August 23, 2008

tadi aku call bapak aku, sesaja laa nak prep pasal aku punya application kan. karang kalau jadi terus bagitau, nanti shock sangat laa pulak. better get him ready.

..and dia punya reaction..


ok laa understandable. of coz shocked laa kan.
lepas tu dia sambung..


aku pon kata tak tentu lagi laa. hmm.. aku ni dok ingat dia risau aku tak dapat attend adik aku punya wedding november nih. but wait a minute..

habis tu, kawin??


tu dia.. bukan dia tanya keje apa yg aku ambik, macam mana interview ke, or even bagi some words for moral support kan.. tak. automatic jer dia ingat pasal kawin.

mindset tak ubah macam george bush. asal ada benda letup2 jek, terus ingat terrorist. kalau condoleeza rice tu terkentut sebelah dia pon agaknya dia ingat al-qaeda. conclusion very pre-defined.

termasuk ke dalam rukun islam pasal kawin? agaknya lepas lepas rukun menunaikan haji di mekah tu, ada rukun keenam - kahwin lah kamu sebelum kamu dikahwinkan. or dalam rukun iman? rukunegara?

mou ira-ira desu watashi.


p/s still adie believes his father was just being concerned.

the day after...

almost 6am. aku baru balik dari changi airport, hantar tan pegi phnom penh. dia baru call aku balik, dia kata swiss army knife yg dia bawak in check-in luggage takleh bawak masuk flight.

hmm logic laa kan, tapi airline assistant tu nak rampas terus, taknak bagi balik. what the.. aku kata suruh they all simpan kan dulu, aku even boleh ambik later from check-in counter or wherever. tak logic laa terus rampas, benda tu aku beli untuk dia from switzerland, siap ada ukir nama lagi.

hidokunaii?? harus aku complaint kat jetstar.

hah thanks guys yg wished aku gd luck yesterday for the interview. yesterday went on like a blur. sepanjang ari restless, tak boleh concentrate on work.

yg best, ada rumours kat our department yg someone quitting! ada orang suspect aku pulak tuh.. siap ada hint, dari certain certain group. aku desu ka ne?? tak pasal2 aku kena tepis gossip2 liar.. haha macam hollywood artist laa pulak.

dattek, belum confirm lagi apa. aku pon tak ingat apa aku cakap time interview. weird laa cakap through phone. kita tak dapat tgk reaction org tu macam mana, whether dia dapat tak point yg kita cakap kan..

yg pasti dia kata ada few other applicants, lepas tu aku calon yg terbaik dattek! haha ureshii waa.. kedo, still kena tunggu final say dalam dua minggu nih.. ermmm aku pasrah jer laa kan..

so how?? do i have a chance?


can't eat can't sleep, i'm sick

Friday, August 22, 2008

help!! i can't sleep.

dari tadi mata aku totop tapi otak aku berpusing. ni ala2 laptop laa kan, nak masuk sleep mode tapi hard disk berkelip-kelip.. terus tak masuk screen saver..

kalau laptop, either virus or kena hack laa kan.

hmm.. otak aku kena hack desu ka? haha.. mesti yabai kalau kena hack kan otakku ini. semua rahsia2 kerajaan, file2 X-files ada kat dalam...

actually today after work karang ada phone interview.

phone interview for job transfer yg aku apply last week! isk this is such a big deal for me. takot oke. yelah aku bukan macam orang lain kan, tukar keje macam tukar baju (cewah macam lirik lagu francesca peter laa pulak!)..

so sudahnyer aku bawak balik technical notes aku ke rumah semalam. wah aku rasa ni lah kali pertama sejak tahun 2006 yg aku bawak balik work stuff ke rumah. desperate oke.

sampai bila US vs Cuba olympic semifinal volleyball match kat tv pon aku tengok satu mata jek. very the unlike me.

tu yang bila tido pon termimpi2 aku pegi interview. macam mana tuh?

wish me luck guys.. i might need that.


desperately seeking perfect hostesses

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

kalau korang tengok olympic, kan ada those chinese girls yg tatang medal or bunga during medal presentation ceremony? today in newspaper there was this article yg tulis tentang the selection criterias to choose those girls.

ni dia piece of that article..

At every medal ceremony six or more hostesses are on duty.

Two wearing "cheongsam", or long dresses, stand either side of the podium while three or more in knee-length dresses hold platters bearing the medals and bouquets of nine red roses, with red a lucky colour in China and nine meaning everlasting.

But although the role looks simple these hostesses have been meticulously chosen and trained.

Hostess candidates have to be university educated, aged 18 to 24, between 1.68 and 1.78 metres in height (5 ft 5 ins and 5 ft 8 ins), with a "ruddy and shiny complexion", "elastic skin" and "a plump but not fat body".

Their faces needed to meet standards including the ratio between the "width of the nose and the length of the face" and "width of the mouth and width between the pupils", with eyes three-tenths the length of the face.
link to full article

strict kunai?? mata mesti terletak exactly at three-tenth of the face length ok. macam mana they all measure pon aku tak tau, pakai pembaris kot. balik ni aku nak cuba tengok kat lokasi mana mata aku terletak hahaha..

bukan setakat physical appearance jek, these wannabe-hostesses kena belajar the correct way to smile too.

here's another article about the correct way to smile during the olympics.

“We have to show between six and eight teeth. And we must be able to hold a chopstick horizontal like this.” She held up her hands at lip level to demonstrate the smile-training technique.
link to full article

kalau baca lagi, masa senyum tu mata kena glowing, biar bersinar-sinar ala2 nampak note seringgit atas jalan. hmm.. padan laa kalau dalam gambar senyuman aku semuanya shippai. macam orang nak masuk toilet. salah technique deshitak kittok.

next time kena pastikan only 6-8 teeth on display.



(not-so) another manic sunday

Sunday, August 17, 2008

kenapa laa this fella asyik call aku jer. tadi kol 9am call, terus aku terjaga. seikaku ohiru made netakattak noni..

lepas tu nombor dia kan, mesti private. or unknown. aku nak jer ignore tapi kalau family aku yg call? or macam last time, singapore NDP committee call nak bagi ticket free..

seriously, haruskah aku hantar polong? susah dengan orang yg tak ambik hint nih.

anyway, it's sunday. hmm apa plan aku today? check list..

adie's sunday aug-17 to-do-list
1) 2.00pm - watch olympic tennis ladies gold medal final
2) 3.30pm - watch olympic tennis men's gold medal final
3) 8.48pm - watch olympic badminton men's gold medal final

tak faham aku kenapa badminton start exactly at 8.48pm. aku ingatkan typo error, but again, aku dengar tan punya company baru work time masuk pukul 7.47am.

a friend buzzed me this morning too. hmm malas pulak aku nak ambik hint keluar. semalam dah sehari suntuk kat JB kan, tolong makcik nora pindah. lepas tu pegi tebrau city ngan tan tengok citer wall-e.

haha igai ni.. romantik laa citer wall-e tuh. cutely romantic, or romantically cute? apa2 lah.. tapi yg pasti enjoyable, eventhough aku rasa dalam sejam setengah tuh ada laa satu page jer dia punya movie script.

balik sangkut jam 2 jam kat tambak. mencikk! (ikut nada nora).

so hari ni hopefully aku boleh bermalas-malasan jek. cuma unfortunately to-do-list kat atas tu only in a perfect world kan.. here's a more complete list

adie's sunday aug-17 to-do-list ~extended
- check yellowpages carik orang nak fix house water heater
- pegi tampines courts check acer mini notebook (semalam kat tebrau city RM1699)
- singgah tampines mall kalau2 ada sale2 menarik nak carik baju raya hehe..
- sambung my sis engangement video editing
- change fish tank water
- kemas rumah
- dread monday
- blah blah blah...



best fiction 2008

hey check out amuro namie's new Best album, 'Best Fiction' out 7/30.

yappari amuro wa ii desu. that just shows even those in their 30s can reach a new prime kan. hontou ni miryokuteki desu..

lead single dia 'do me more' (PV link).

hmm.. amuro suker laa buat lagu with inappropriate lyrics macam nie. not the 1st time oke.

list of amuro namie's not-so-universal lyrics

1) how to be a girl
2) girl talk
3) want me want me

and now 'do me more?'. kanzen ni utaenai in public jang? except of course laa maybe kat pentas thai drag show or something...

nevertheless still a great song. catchy chorus! kalau kat dalam bas pakai headphone tu make sure chorus part 'more! more! more!.. do me more!' jangan ternyanyi kuat2 pulak kan.. harus orang ikut ko balik...

you have been warned.


i feel mega good!

Friday, August 15, 2008

waaaaa lee chong wei menang SF masuk Final olympic men's single badminton!!

hahaha ureshi.. bak kata that japanese breaststroke sensation kosuke kitajima, i feel mega good!

tapi nande lepas chong wei kalahkan that South Korean guy Lee Hyunil tadi, dia ala2 kak gayah jek terjelepok atas court? lepas tu dia bangun lompat pegi peluk coach dia..

peluk yg jenis kaki lipat belakang pinggang tu oke ..ala2 new wed laa pulak, choo obscene deshitak! tak sempat aku totop mata... itte mo, aku siap kandou lagi, berair pulak air mata. yelah, bukan calang2 kan nak dapat pingat kat olympic nih. malaysia da mono. kalau negara kau togo ke, mongolia ke, boleh laa harap2 dapat pingat kan..

gambare malaysia!


boss oh boss

Thursday, August 14, 2008

apakah bestnyer kereta aku tuh. sejak aku kata aku apply untuk pindah ke US, byk pulak orang mintak.. ok bukan mintak laa kan.. takkan nyer laa aku nak bagi free.. hahaha.. tapi nak beli 2nd hand laa kan...

ni dia listnyer..

1) tan
2) tompok
3) boss aku

boss aku oke.. aku masuk laa opis dia on that fateful afternoon kan.. gara2 aku tanya dia pasal work opportunity dalam e-mail tuh.. apparently dia tak tau pon. bolley? aku pulak yg bagitau dia ada internal opening..

sudahnyer, bukan setakat aku tunjukkan job posting yg aku interested in tuh, dia pulak tanya ada manager post ke tak? sabar jer aku.. ko tengok laa boss aku nih.. wake wakannai jang?

tapi dia sweet laa.. dia kata as boss, dia taknak laa aku pegi, seikaku we all dah function as 1 group.

cewahh aku kandou laa pulak. aku ingat aku redundant jek dalam grp nie.. kan aku kata tak lama dulu aku nak tukar group? takde mende berubah pon. sejak bilenyer we all function as 1 group??

nie mesti script dalam bosses punyer employee-handling workbook. kompem!

then dia kata as a friend (a friend oke..), it's a good opportunity kalau aku memang nak settle down kat sana. nice place dattek virginia tuh..

ermmm.. ok laa kan. tapi lagi best dia sambung..

even if you didn't get this transfer, it will not affect the way i evaluate your performance.

chotto... tak dapat tte dou iu imi?? hahaha.. tapi ok jang?? at least dia paham laa kan. dattek dia dulu pon job hopping apa. dia baru jek join company aku nie, dalam 2 tahun lebih lepas. lompat dari our joint venture company. sure dia paham la kan, we all try to find the best for our lives.

at least aku hope laa.. ntah apa dia buat kat belakang sapa tahu? aku pasrah jer la..dan redha oke. dekat2 dah abis bincang tuh, dia tanya..

eh if you want to sell your car i'm interested.

dang!! aku blank. aku apply pon belum lagi (time tu ler) dah nak tanya pasal kereta kah? apakah... hahaha...

gitu lah kisahnyer..

dan ntah kenapa takde reply pon dari application aku tuh?? dah lama oke.. bila aku submit? kelmarin dakkek? ooo penantian satu penyeksaan..

tapi at least every morning aku bersemangat jer datang keje check e-mail hehehe.. pathetic tak?


confess or not to confess

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

baru lepas lunch.. alamak, ada engineer baru tanah besar ler... isk.. tapi takde alasan pulak laa kan nak bertegur sapa.. yelah orang tanah besar ni biasanya campur ngan klik2 dia jer.. tak social gitu. ada sorang pempuan tanah besar ni, dari dia masuk tahun lepas sampai laa ni nak quit pon aku tak tau nama, bolley?

aku ala2 berharap jer sampai opis pagi tadi they all dah terima application aku semalam, hasrat di hati agar they all terus accept laa kan. buat apa nak tunggu2? heh heh..

tapi tak logic laa pulak. nak tau malam tadi aku terjaga tengah2 malam...terpikir, eh apa aku nak buat ngan rumah aku tuh, tv plasma 2 bijik aku tuh.. home theater system.. ikan2 aku tuh.. terus ala2 gelabah gitu..

isk ralit jugak laa kan migrate migrate nih.. dah elok2 aku selesa kat sini.

office health check pagi tadi aku tak pegi pon. nandaka kowaii wah.. kalau jumpa apa2 nanti tak kena havoc. mutated blood ker.. tak ke naya? baik aku tak tau.. aku raba2 jugak laa mammary gland kot2 ada cancer hahaha...

okok tu onna kah :)

anyway, bak kata aishah, kalau dah nak mati, ko buat laa health check 100 kali pon, mati jugak.. so wise ibu syaitan tuh..

cuma belakang aku sore ler.. semalam after work yoga class, sensei tu suruh aku buat inverted u, bolehh? berlipat2 tulang belakang aku.. dekat2 nak keluar air mata oke..

sudah2 sensei tu kata, 'ur body too stiff lah'.. aku pun ala2 'duh sejak bila pulak aku flexible?'.. seriously, masa tunduk suruh pegang ibu jari kaki pon aku setakat betis jer.. ada makcik yg sorang dua join, boleh pulak.. nande darou ne.. aku rasa aku dah cokop healthy dah..

tapi nak tau, sensei tu kata, we get perfectly healthy body when we can lift our body by our own hand, macam standing upside down using our arms, dia kata semua org boleh pegi gym angkat berat 100x tapi musclenyer over2 kat satu area jek.. tak balanced.

hmm betul gak ek...

ok lah, aku nak surf olympic site..


jom nengok olimpik

Friday, August 8, 2008

happy olympic day!!

waa sugokattak desu opening ceremony. very the grand, yet very culturistic. 5000 years of history da mono..

dari traditional paper making, bamboo scrolls, taichi, opera sume ada...yg aku suker masa opening fireworks sepanjang highway bentuk tapak kaki ala2 berjalan menuju ke bird nest stadium tuh, 29 tapak melambangkan 29th olympic.

creative kunaii??

opening yg pukul gendang emas ramai2 tu pon best.. martial arts section pon best. kowaii desu tgk china kerahkan ribu2 orang to make such a perfect performance. tu baru performance, belum army lagi..

saper yg pegang bendera malaysia tuh?

yg sama2 berjalan dgn china team punya flag bearer, yao ming, ada this small boy, budak kecik yg selamatkan 2 orang during sichuan earthquake may lepas. very nice human touch.

brunei disqualified sebab athlete dia tak berdaftar hahaha.. madagascar, even palestine pon tau daftar athelete sendiri. keji desu..

esok singapore punyer national day. haha kesian kat performers2 esok. dattek orang ramai lepas tgk olympic punya such a mesmerizing opening, esok punya performance kalau takde standard mesti rasa choii janai??

pagi2 nanti aku ada beach volleyball session kat sentosa, sempena sambutan national day lah tu.. also merangkap olympic game haha... tapi weather forecast kata thunderstorm esok. saitei kunaii? but again, ari ni pon forcasted thunderstorm, tapi tak hujan pon...

ok laa minna.. enjoy the night!


kak sri siantan help me!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
ada job opening for a position yg very related to apa yg aku buat sekarang in our virginia plant, USA.
oh gosh.
boss tu dulu sama group dengan aku kat sini time aku mula2 join. aku dari dulu teringin nak migrate ke virginia. virginia ni 20 minutes metro ride jek dari washington dc. ala2 macam simei ke toa payoh jer..
tapi my house is here. my friends are all here. my family is nearby.
ermm dou shioo..

journey to simei street 1

now i'm safe and sound kat simei street 1. ingat2 balik betapa seksanya menapak dari senai ke simei semalam, now dekat depan pc ni rasa shiawase jer.

ok bukan laa actually menapak kan, tapi mendoukusai. dari senai naik shuttle bus ke kotaraya 45 minit, lepas tu seberang tambak via city link bus 20 minit, then mrt dari kranji ke simei 50 minit, bus no-9 ke melville gate 5 minit dan menapak dari gate ke pintu rumah 5 minit.

bouken janaii?

lepas tu pukul 3pm norikae ke line hijau kat city hall pon sesak berdiri dalam train. weekdays tengahari buta tu nande konderu no?? wake wakannai wa.. tu pon nak target population 6.5 million ke?

well tu nanti termasuk tompok laa kan. tambah lagi 1.5 orang ahaks!!

anyway, trip ke KK wa seikou dattak wa. well, aku dah ke KK 2 times dalam masa 3 bulan. record desu. tinggal biler lagi jer nak ke sipadan.

semalam sampai rumah aku terbongkang kejap, patut ada 5.30pm yoga session kat office, tapi aku skipped. tapi terpaksa gak bangun keluar pukul 6pm sebab aku dapat movie screening invitation kat the cathay orchard.

movie 'journey to the center of the earth'. aku haram tak tau apa2 pasal movie nih, ntah2 kartun ke, or citer cina.. tapi turned out omoshirokattak wa. they all jatuh ke bawah mantel and discovered this whole new world down there.

cuma tak logic laa kan. nande dah beribu2 batu bawah tu still ada oxygen nano? bukan setakat oxygen, ada pulak dinasour.



power of the bobohizan

Monday, August 4, 2008

very nice weather since morning. apparently the weather bitch was an angel today. kalau tak harus aku engage khidmat bobohizan2 gunung kinabalu.

we all gi pulau mamutik, since aku dan adik aku pernah pergi pulau manukan dulu. pulau mamutik ni tak laa sebesar pulau manukan, tapi yang bestnyer, pulau mamutik still have corals. ikan2 pun lagi banyak. nak pulak we all jumpa nemo!! haha tak payah diving pun boleh jumpa nemo. jimat ratus ratus ringgit beb...

pulau mamutik's snorkeling

so esok dah balik singapore balik. tadi dah start borong kerepek merepek nak bawak balik bagi office mate. tak payah laa mahal2 kan. boss aku pon pegi hong kong setakat beli sweets.

aku borong kuih cincin. macam pretzel, tapi kering. nampak pon biasa jek, takde laa meleleh air liur kan.. tapi bila org kedai tu bagi aku rasa, alamak sedap laa pulak. rupa2nya dalam ada gula nipah. unique desu. padan laa adik ipar aku tu semalam cakap2 pasal kuih cincin.

ok lah, i expect next time aku tulis dari melville park... my home sweet home!



Sunday, August 3, 2008

nowadays nak guna pc pun ada queue, my dad, and then my sis, my bro, me and then my dad back..and so the circle continues...

ntah apa yg masing2 surf. agaknya everyone of us has a different life in the cyberworld.

anyway, bila dapat jer pc nie dah ngantuk. this despite falling asleep dalam sepanjang on the way back dari kundasang tadi.

kematu jugak laa ponggong duduk lama2 dalam that 4-wheel drive, tapi maybe a bit worth it 'coz we all dapat tengok bunga rafflesia dekat kg kokob.

rafflesia! alamak aku ingat besar laa bunga dia, tapi besar sikit jek dari pinggan. besar lagi ponggong some of us hehe.. tapi lawa laa, merah berbatik-batik. unik desu. kalau buat pot-pouri sure berseri ruang rumah.

bunga rafflesia di kg kokob, blooming since Aug-01

we all passed by jambatan tamparuli. pernah dengar lagu jambatan tamparuli? kalau orang sarawak nyanyi lagu pasal gunung, orang sabah apparently prefer lagu pasal jambatan.

aku curious jek dari mana datang nama tamparuli nie. agaknya dari aksi tampar dan uli. macam 'ko jangan mengada-ngada, aku tamparuli ko karang'....

gunung kinabalu, well.. dah aku tawan, so takde laa jakun sangat tengok kan. now ala2 tengok bukit timah jek..hahaha..

puas hati dengan this guy that we all chartered untuk bring us all to those places. sepanjang hari for RM450. kalau ambik package day tour, satu kepala RM185 tau. we all dah laa 7 orang. so choo otoku. friendly pulak tuh.

yg best dia boleh masuk bercakap pasal politik ngan bapak aku. masa we all makan kat depan kinabalu national park, dia siap bisik kat bapak aku sambil tunjuk kat this group of people eating few tables away, 'itu semua orang keAdilan.' aku rasa kalau dia ada anak, sure terus jek bapak aku nak masuk meminang.

esok island hopping! kalau aku bangun esok pagi hujan ribut lagi macam last time, harus aku menyumpah-nyumpah...


to the land beneath the wind

i'm in kota kinabalu now. baru dapat connect internet using my bro's laptop. nak tau semalam i arrived early kan dari jb.. by noon dah checked-in, then waited for my parents kat lobby..bila taxi sampai, tengok2 my bro and his whole family pun ada!!


rupa2nya bila my parents dah atas flight kat kl, pintu dah nak tutup, this bro masuk dengan family dia haha.. last minute decision to join our trip. my mum yg nampak pramugari masuk pegang budak, and she went like, 'eh macam faidi..'..

so sudahnya, we all bak satu rombongan ahli2 politik ke sabah untuk deflectkan ahli2 parlimen kat sini oke hahaha.. except of course we don't accuse anybody of sodomizing laa..upss..

me, my parents, my bro and his family including anak2 buah aku yg kiut miut tuh, my sis and my last bro, duduk 3 bilik sederet. semalam we all lepak tgk cerekarama sampai kol 12 malam.. very the family bonding te kanji..

cuaca pulak if yesterday's one to go by, very the cerah and terang benderang. hopefully kalau pegi pulau esok cuaca macam ni..

laa ni tunggu breakfast, and kol 8am we all dah charter transport nak pegi kundasang, 2 hrs drive away for kinabalu park, poring hot spring dan kampung kokob. semalam sabah tourism board which i visited while waiting for my parent's flight, kata ada rafflesia baru blooming kelmarin. harus we all pegi check out.

ok laa nak mandi.. enjoy weekend y'all!!


gotta dash!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

dah lambat nie.. sibuk pulak malam nie, tadi pegi natas fair kat expo, lepas tu singgah watson sales.. ada pulak food fair.. balik2 dah kol 10pm.. dengan kain baju tak pack lagi, battery sumer tak charge lagi urghh..

dengan itenarary pulak lupa nak print.. boleh? ntah kenapa tunggang langgang lak preparation aku kali nih.. agaknya sebab 2nd time kot.. aku pon terover relax.. mmm..

now almost 12.30am.. kol 3.30am kena bangun bertolak ke senai. hmm harap2 takde panda eyes le esok.. terjejas kehensemen dalam gambar ahaks..

